14500 S. Kostner Avenue
Midlothian, Illinois 60445
(708) 371-6191
Facilities & Parks
General Information
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The Midlothian Park District has issued Bids/RFPs for the following services or projects listed. A potential vendor/contractor shall follow the instructions noted which may include contacting a third party or downloading the documents. If the documents are available for downloading, you must notify the Midlothian Park District when it has downloaded a Bid/RFP from this list and intends to submit a bid/proposal for the same. Addenda will be sent only to those vendors/contractors who have notified the Park District of their intent to participate in the Bid or RFP. Please provide such notification to ejung@midlothianparkdistrict.org or by phone 708-371-6191. The Park District will attempt to timely post any addenda on this website, however, potential vendors/contractors shall remain responsible for obtaining all addenda to the original specifications prior to the proposal/bid deadline. In the event a vendor/contractor fails to notify the District of its intent to participate in the Bid or RFP, and does not obtain the respective addenda prior to the proposal/bid deadline, the vendor/contractor shall not be able to modify its proposal/bid. Bid Opening Summary Tabulations represent “as read” submittals at the time of the bid opening; they do not represent contract awards. The District, at all times, reserves the right to reject any and all bids submitted, or to waive irregularities in the bidding.
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